Music for your Spirit!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We're no Job

The problem is that we're no Job!

"Finally, Job stepped out of character..."

Out of character. Let's look back at Job's character. Job 1:1b says, "He was a truly good person, who respected God and refused to do evil." 1:3b says, "He was the richest person in the East." 1:5b says, "He would get up early the next morning and offer a sacrifice for each of them, just in case they had sinned or silently cursed God."

Job 1: 1b and 3b are pretty self explanatory. But let me give those of you who won't search the scriptures for yourself..(yes, that was a slur..but I'm not judging is what it is)..background info about 5b. Job's sons would invite their sisters over and take turns throwing huge parties in their respective homes.

Scripture doesn't say this but I don't know of any young men who only like to party with their sisters or any young women who only like to party with their brothers. So. My take on this is the equivalent of a BC rave! But. I digress. Job would always send for his kids after every party and perform a Lord-forgive-them-if-they-hung-from-chandeliers-naked ceremony.

Ok. So. Where was I? Oh, yes. We're no Job! Job stepped OUT of his character and began to question and blame God. Which means it wasn't his normal MO. He stepped out of his character...(drum roll)...and into the character that many of us assume every day.

Oh. Wait, that's just me? Ok. Fine. Then you can stop reading now. I'll just keep blogging to myself. (Come on, it's just you and me here..let's keep it real!)

So. Job's a good guy. So am I. (I'm sure you are too, but I'm not talking about you, remember!) And he respects God. So do I. He refuses to do evil. Ummm. Ok, I try to keep it on the up and up...but refuses? No. He's lost me. Richest person in the East. LOL. Gets up early and offer a sacrifice for his grown kids JUST IN CASE they messed up. Hmmmm, let me think. If it's before 6am I'm going to need some concrete proof that there was indeed a sin that required me to get up find the bull, build the fire, prepare the bull, sprinkle the blood....(Y'all remember all the things God laid out that had to be done to offer up a sin sacrifice)...and so forth and so on. Nope.

No. I'm no Job. I tend to question God from the start. I'm working on that. Learning to trust Him no matter how bad things look. But the truth of the matter is that even though I might have taken the news of the first disaster in stride, after the news of the third I would have been like, "Really, God, are you kidding me?" And after hearing that not one but ALL of my children had died in a freak wind storm...I would have been done for sure. I'd have been like, "God WHO?" (Don't judge me, I'm just keeping it real!) But not Job. In spite of everything v 22 tells us "Job did not sin or accuse God of doing wrong". He in fact "knelt on the ground, then worshiped God" (v 20b). 

No! Emphatically NO! I am no Job! I strive to be. But I'm just not there yet. If you kept reading just to see where I was going with this thing...won't you please tell me how you do it!


  1. I'm no Job either. Thank you for helping me with my self examination. Sometimes as a parent we can be in denial about a lot of things while God sees all things and knows all things. I pray that I will become a better Christian so that I can better myself overall.
    I'm not God, to think of sacrificing any of my sons for the sins of others, it's difficult to think realistically how that would go down.
    I aim to be more like him in his image and I have every day that he wills me to grow closer in succeeding.

    1. Girl, that's half the battle! Admitting that we fall short! Aren't you glad that we don't have to BE God..we only have to BE LIKE His Son..and LOVE God and each other! Whew! Thank God His job is taken! We'll get there! That is His plan, afterall..that none of us should perish! I love you, Belinda! And I thank God for you and your support!

    2. I am thanking God for you. As I found myself falling back from staying close to God, you spread the praise of him. Daily as I was on Facebook you spoke of only Him and that my dear friend and sister in Christ helped me to wake up from my temporary insanity and get back on track. You saved me at a time I needed you the most. So thank you for that and you didn't even know it. I love you Donna Ynetta Gilchrist.

  2. Praising Him right now! Not that I needed another reason to praise God..but it seems that we both needed each other! Ain't it amazing how He will raise ppl up to give you just what you need when you need it! Glory to God!


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