Music for your Spirit!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Need to know basis!

There are just some things that you can not share with other people.

That's just how it is. They may be your bestest friend. Your closest confidante. Your ride or die. Your phone call when you just get one call. But there will still be things that you can not share with them.

Now. I'm sure you are thinking that your friend, Randi, has been there for you since 2nd grade. She knows everything there is to know about you. She knows all about the dreams you have of becoming the world's greatest fill-in-the-blanks or the world's first fill-in-the-blanks. She knows that you want your husband to fill-in-the-blanks and that you want your 2.5 kids to fill-in-the-blanks. She knows your weaknesses and she knows your strengths. She may even be able to finish your sentences for you. But there will still be things that you can not share with Randi.

We can go round and round about this. You can argue your case for your Randi. I can argue my case for mine..(Oh, yes, I have a Randi too..we all do.)...but in the end the fact will remain that I can not share everything with my Randi and you can not share everything with yours. Fact! Face it!

Let's be real about this. There are some things that you pause before you even tell Jesus. There are some things that you just keep bottled up inside because you either think they are too ugly for Him to handle or that you are just ashamed of. There are things that you think are just to crazy to even contemplate. Thoughts. Emotions. Unrequited loves. Long lost dreams. Secret sins. Hard truths about all of the above. There are just some things that you can not share with even Jesus because some times you have not even admitted them to yourself. Fact! Face it!

And I get that! It is especially hard for me when someone else yanks the covers off my hard truth. If I have been running full speed away from this thing and someone drops it right in my path...let's just say that I do not handle it well. When someone gives a voice to your hard truth and you have to face the enormity of what your own doubts, fears, and insecurities actually look, sound, and feel like...that is not a warm and tingly experience. In fact it can be traumatizing. Like a punch in the face that you didn't see coming. It hurts. Like hell. And you can't run from it anymore. It's real. Because somebody else has seen it too. Fact! Face it!

Then there are some things that are just YOUR things. There are things that were designed for you. To happen to you. To affect you. To teach you. To grow you. The operative word here being YOU. Though many of us play supporting roles in the lives of others and make cameo appearances in the lives of yet others..we are the stars of our very own drama. One written specifically for us and designed to be directed by God. So even though we may help out in those supporting roles and cameo appearances, our personal dramas are not to be shared with anyone else. The problem is that we insist on trying to sit in the director's chair and be on the same time. Fact! Face it!

So there it is. Up close and personal. And you can not share it with any one. Not yourself. Not your parents/pastor. Not your sister/girl. Not your man/woman. No one. It's just too nasty. Too ugly. Too shameful. Too personal. Too far out there. People will judge you. Will laugh at you. Talk about you behind your back. No, let's not tell Randi this thing. We don't want Randi to think less of us. Do you see it? Do you get where I am coming from? Do you understand why I say that there are some things that you can not share with anyone?

Ok. So now, let me ask you this. Is there some thing that God has told you about this thing? I mean did He tell you that He would take care of it if you let Him? Did He tell you that He would handle it if you let him? Did He tell you not to worry about it because He was on it? Did He tell you that if you just trusted Him that He would work it all out for your good? Did He share this information with Randi? Or did He just share it with you? Do you think that this might just be need to know information? Do you think that if Randi needs to know that God will either tell you to tell her..or tell her Himself?

No? Read your bible! Yes? Ok. So Back to not being able to share every thing with every body. But before we do let me just say..if right now you are feeling some type of way about this thing (like I did this morning) may want to consider completely surrendering it to God. Fact! Face it!  COMPLETELY. Not when it suits you. Not parts and pieces. Not when it's easy. COMPLETELY. (Yea! I know. Just pray on it, Girl!). So.. not sharing......

You can not tell everybody everything. Because they don't know what you know, they can not relate. You can not tell Jesus what the thing is until you admit it to yourself. You can go to the doctor and just sit on the table but until you realize, recognize, and vocalize what is hurting you; the doctor can not help you. When the Holy Spirit convicts you..I mean stops you in your tracks and says to you..."Baby, you've got a stinking mess with this thing and you need to fix it NOW!" becomes real. You can no longer hide from it. God's blueprint for your life is like the thumb print that He gave you..unique to you..and it is God's detailed plan of action specifically for you.

So all of the facts still need to be faced. But you also have to face the fact that God has already told YOU what was what with this thing. He has made it clear to you that you would win. You will be victorious over this thing. He might not have told you the hows or the whys or the whens...but He told you that you win in the end. He has given you all the tools to conquer this thing, you just have to walk it out. And if that means that you walk alone...without sharing it with just be it.

The problem with sharing what you know that you know with just anybody is that God may not have shown them what He has already shown you. After all, what God has for you is for YOU. Not for them. For YOU. And your thing, may not look like their thing. So how can you share it with them if they can not understand it? How can you share it with them if they can not see it because God has not revealed it to them? How can you share it with them if God has not purposed it to be shared with them?

Some things are meant to be shared only with Jesus. To be given back to God in praise and thanksgiving for the end result. When you share your things with anyone else you potentially set yourself up to be disappointed or discouraged. You have to hold onto what God has told you about you. Luke 1:45 says...and I'm paraphrasing here..."And blessed is this woman who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished" her, by her, and through her.  If the word says it..this her will stand on it!

I don't know which of your things are meant not to be shared. I learned the hard way which of mine are and I can tell you from experience that if you just ask God to reveal them to you...THAT is the easy way.


  1. I do not know a Randi. So even if you do..since I do is a safe assumption that I do not know yours. Which means I am not talking about a real Randi. Now. I do have a brother, Randy..but he is a guy..though I've seen him cry like a girl!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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