Music for your Spirit!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Can you tell me how to get to MY Promised Land?

Have you ever felt like you have stayed in certain spot waaaay too long?

I have. There have been times in my life when I knew that I was not going anywhere real slow...and to be honest, because I wasn’t looking to leave where I was...I grew content real fast.

But my journey with God has taught me that whenever He speaks and tells me to DO something it is for my good. And He isn't just "playing" God...(He will get the glory whether I move...or not)...Which is why Deuteronomy 1:6 literally speaks to my spirit.

Like the Israelite children, I have heard God tell me to leave where I was at so that He can lead me into my Promised Land. And just like them...I am obeying. 

Now I do realize that the Promised Land in this verse deals with a specific territory that God had set aside for His chosen people. But I also realize that my Promised Land and your Promised Land that God has for us may be something totally different.

It may not even be a physical place. It could be a job (whether to start, leave or stay at one), a relationship (starting or leaving one), children (whether or not to have or adopt or foster them), or even your ministry…anything that God is speaking to you about to get you to move into where He wants you to be in your your Promised Land.

In my case, it had to deal with my dream of being a... (yall aint ready for that yet!)...God has really been speaking to me to grab a hold to this dream. No longer will He allow me to sit willy nilly by the sidelines and hope for the best. It is time for me to MOVE and own walk in it.

Just as God so emphatically stated to the Israelites at Horeb that it was time to get a move on...He has said it to me in this leg of our divine journey. He has laid out the land before me so I can’t be satisfied settling on the outside looking in. It is time to go out and conquer the my first lady likes to say after each Sunday school lesson.  

I will admit that fear had me stuck for several wasted years. I was afraid of opening up to the ever watching eye of my not so approving or adoring public...but I have learned that the beauty of going where God leads me is that He is always with I never have to go alone.

And if He is sending me...that's the only approval I need...(Amen? AMEN!)

His Word reminds us repeatedly that He will always be with us wherever we may go (Joshua 1:7).   When you move where God show Him that you trust Him and because of that trust walk..He will flood you with His presence and His faithfulness every single step of the way.

God will open doors that no man can shut and will ensure that all things work together for your good (Revelation 3:8 and Romans 8:28).  

So. Fam...what has God been speaking to you to grab a hold to? What is your Promised Land? Don’t let fear or "good where I am"-edness hold you back. Leave your mountain and go and possess the Land that God has for you.

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